Saturday, May 3, 2008

I'm Engaged!!!

Well, when I woke up on Thursday, May 1st, it was going to be a normal day. Or so I thought!

It all began right after school when one of my co-workers handed me an envelope that said "THE AMAZING FACE" on it. My first thought was Luke's email that day saying he couldn't wait to see my amazing face (we were planning on using webcams and talking online that evening). Inside this envelope were instructions to go fill up the car with the money provided and there I would recieve the next clue.

And so I went on a series of missions where I got clues for each next step. Each task had a fun inside connection between me and Luke or some special significance to us. The last clue sent me to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, The Jalapeno Tree, where I was instructed to be seated and order something to drink. The whole time I'm thinking Luke has got to be here! But it was too crazy...I never had had any reason to believe that he was planning any kind of surprise visit. But I just knew he had to be there at the restaurant.

The waitress came up to me and asked me if I was Miss Stewart and when I said yes, she handed me an envelope. It said something about congratulations on completing the competition but since you are not engaged or married here is your consolation prize money. I couldn't believe it....this couldn't be it!!! Luke had to be here! I kept looking around and was seriously on the verge of tears because I wanted him to be there.

Just as I was starting to cry and reaching for my phone to call a friend who I knew was in on this and demand where Luke was.......the love of my life came right up behind me and simply said "Ellen" (according to him, because everything was a blur to me). And of course I just completely melted and just kept hugging him. I kept telling him "You got me so good!!" Because he did! I love surprises!!! But I'm really hard to surprise and he knows it, so for him to pull this off was a huge thing! So for the next hour or so over dinner I put the pieces together of how he managed to get up here without me even having a clue!!! I seriously didn't even have a thought at all that he would come up here and surprise me.

After dinner we took a few pictures and Luke was acting really vague about what we were doing next. He made it seem like that was the big climax point and there were no plans from here on out. And of course in my mind I'm thinking "he's going to propose"...but I didn't want to get my hopes up so I kept making myself not think about it. But when he starts playing me a Keith Urban song on guitar with some of his own lyrics in there: "When I'm down on bended knee, will you say yes tonight?" then of course I was thinking "oh my goodness! he is!!!"

And he did...on one knee and all, he asked "Will you marry me?"
And I of course, said "YES!" A few moments later I think he was still processing what was going on and was like "What did you say?" at the same time as I was saying "Can you repeat the question?" Just cuz I wanted to hear him say it again. So I guess you could say we got engaged twice! Which was doubly great. :) Almost right away Luke wanted to pray was just a sweet time of praising God for His leading in our relationship and also committing our future to Him. And after that we began telling our families and friends our exciting news!

So that's my story. If you want to read Luke's side of the story, you can go to his blog:


Anonymous said...

Wow....go Luke! He must have really thought all of that out to make it perfect! -Melody

Unknown said...

We are very happy for you both!

Erika said...

Congratulations, Ellen, I'm so happy for you both!!!! (in case you don't remember this is your old RA :)) Marriage is one of the best and hardest things you will ever do! But it's worth it. It sounds like you have an amazing man - you are worth it!

Christina Johnson said...

yay! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you! What a great story! When are you guys planning on getting married? You're going to love being married! It's so fun! I am happy you have a blog. I LOVE reading blogs. Keep writing about your adventures!

Rachael Neal said...

Ellen - I'm so happy for you! Congrats!