Monday, May 26, 2008

Bittersweet Goodbyes

These past few days and weeks have been full of goodbyes. Its sad and exciting at the same time. Sad because I will miss many friends and coworkers but also exciting because FINALLY the time has come for me to be with Luke and to be going back to Nicaragua!! :) I'm so ready for this time of separation to be over with and to be back where my heart is!
This past Sunday I said my goodbyes to people at my church, First Baptist Church Liberty City...dear brothers and sisters who I know have a heart for missions and who do pray for me and the work in Nicaragua.

I will also miss my 3 years olds in the Sunday School class I taught. And especially my friend Kristen, who I co-taught the class with...she has become such a close friend to me and I thank God for her!
This week I'll be saying my goodbyes to the kiddos at my school as well as fellow assistants and teachers. It has been a wonderful place to work and I've enjoyed it very much.

Some of the cutest things kids have said to me lately:

  • "What does it mean, engaged? Is he your husband?"
  • "Why so long?" (when I told them I'm getting married in December)
  • "You can get married in February, that's shorter."
Tonight I'll be saying goodbye to my friends at Green Acres Baptist Church. This will be one of my hardest goodbyes I think. I have found such acceptance, comfort, encouragement, and genuine friendship in this group of people. And I've enjoyed helping out with the worship...what a blessing to be part of!

I've been and will be saying goodbye to family. I spent the entire day on Saturday with my Aunt Sarah. It was so much fun just to be with her, talk, shop, be spontaneous (yes, I can do that!), etc. :) I am looking forward to being with my grandparents this weekend also. And I'll get to see more relatives at my sister Karen's wedding in June.

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