Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Now that May is practically here, I'm getting more and more excited about moving back to Nicaragua in the fall!! The time of waiting is nearing an end. It has been really hard being away this year but I have learned alot and continue to have a peace about God's work in my life even while being away from the place my heart is truly in.

As I prepare to move back to Nicaragua, there are a lot of things to do. Lately I've been praying that God will help me take care of one thing at a time and trust in Him for the details! And He has been! From getting a prayer letter out (yah!) to working on my residency paperwork to going through stuff and deciding what is going to put my suitcase over the weight limit!

I hope this blog will serve as a way you can be informed of what's going on in my life and how God is working. And how you can specifically pray for me. I'll try to keep it up to date with photos too. And if you didn't get the recent copy of my prayer letter please let me know on here, email me, or facebook me! :)

Thanks so much for your prayers as I make the transition back to Nica!

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