Monday, April 27, 2009

And my many blessings…

Every day before snack time, our class sings a prayer:

"Thank you, God
For my food
And my many blessings
Say Amen."

Several days ago, I asked the kids to tell me some of the blessings in their lives.

This is what they came up with:

- my mom
- my dad
- my sister
- books to read
- the sun
- my friends
- the playground

Before we were done, one of my boys raised his hand and said “You!” He shyly put his head down on his desk as my face filled with joy. What a sweet thing to say! It is my prayer that I have been a blessing to each one of these kids.

As my class heads towards Kindergarten, I am sad to see them go. They all have been little blessings to me. I’m looking forward to enjoying this last month or so that I have with them.

May God send many blessings your way today!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Spring Break

Luke and I did something new this year for Spring Break. We helped out with the childcare at a missions retreat. I had the 2-6 year olds and Luke was with the 8-11 year old boys. My group was super fun especially because I teach preschool and because one of the girls is in my class at NCA.

It turned out to be a perfect balance of fun, responsibility, and relaxation.

The retreat was held at a beach hotel about an hour away from Managua. We enjoyed beautiful sunsets, hammocks, going boogie boarding, and the cool breeze.

The retreat didn't last the entire week so we enjoyed being back at home without school responsibilities. It was a blessing to catch up on sleep and to be able to return to school refreshed.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Friends Visiting

Luke and I had our first houseguests in March. My good friend, Lisa, came down for 11 days to experience Nicaragua and to hang out with us. Her roommate, Sarah, joined her for the last 5 days of the trip.
One place we took Lisa was Laguna de Apoyo. This is one of our favorite spots in Nicaragua because it is so calm and beautiful. It's an excellent place to spend an afternoon.
We also spent an afternoon at the beach relaxing, boogie boarding, collecting sand dollars & seashells and ........eating fish! Lisa and Sarah loved meeting my preschoolers. And my kiddos loved being around them too! :) Here we are on a field trip at the Managua Zoo.
ps. Yes, this is really what our feet look like every Sunday afternoon after we play 2 hours of Ultimate Frisbee! :)