Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Week of School!

Our first week of school at Nicaragua Christian Academy went very well! I've really been enjoying my position as Pre-K teacher. I have the level 2 class which is 4 year olds. So most of them have at least had 1 year of experience in a school routine. I have exactly 7 girls and 7 boys. :)
It's been fun starting to get to know each of the personalities and unique things about each of the kids in my class. And I've really been enjoying teaching this age group! :) It's a great fit for me and I'm so thankful to be teaching Pre-K.

This first week of school we learned the rules...again and again. :) And we talked about Noah's Ark in Bible class. We're learning to count and to separate things by color. In reading, the kids learned about all kinds of jobs and workers.

And....they learned to say my name! Miss Stewart is not the easiest name to pronounce...especially for a kid whose first language is Spanish. But by the end of the week they were chanting "MISS STEWART!" :) Too bad they will have to learn a new name to call me when they come back to school in January! Mrs. Rose shouldn't be too hard to learn but it will take some practice! :)
I'm so thankful that I have a teacher's assistant, Ana. She has helped me so much and has a lot of experience with Pre-K at NCA. Her extra hands and eyes are a huge help to me as these little ones keep me on my toes. A day teaching Preschool takes lots of energy and creativity....I feel like I use up my whole day's energy already in the school day with them! But at least I'm not exhausted. I'm just tired at the end of the day, which is expected....but content to be teaching and to be back in Nicaragua. :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

8 States in 7 Weeks!

Ok, so that includes the airport layovers but still, its crazy to think that Luke and I were in: Florida (twice), Texas, Kansas, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and Georgia in the 7 weeks we were in the states this summer! We also were in 6 different churches 6 weeks in a row!

So, yeah, we were in a lot of places. But we had a great time! :) It was so fun to be part of both of our two sisters' weddings, to spend time with family and hang out with friends, and plan a lot of our own wedding! :)

In the month of July when we were in Indiana I felt like we fit 2 months of activities into 1!

A lot happened in July:
My sister Karen's wedding reception in Chicago

4th of July celebrations

Catching my first fish!
Going to Cedar Point with Luke's 3 sisters and their men

Celebrating my birthday

Several times!

Holding babies :)

Watching the Indianapolis Colts practice
Being in Luke's sister Katy's wedding...

...and much more.
It definitely was a month full of fun and activity and some relaxing too. :) Its fun to be on vacation and with family...but now that we are back in Nicaragua we're both ready to get settled into a school routine and life here. I'm super excited to be living with a missionary family this fall and to be teaching Pre-K at NCA!
School starts on August 11th! All this week we have teacher orientation days to prepare for the new school year. I hope to be posting some pics of my kiddos once school gets in swing.