Monday, January 19, 2009

Reception in Nicaragua

On Saturday, January 17th, we were thrown a wedding reception in Nicaragua.

This time was really special for us because many of our friends, fellow teachers and missionaries and Nicaraguans came to celebrate with us. The chapel at NCA was decorated beautifully with lights, plants, flowers, and tables decked with cake and punch.

We enjoyed showing everyone a portion of our wedding video, wedding pictures, and our growing up slideshow. There was also a time of sharing memories, fun stories, advice, etc. It truly was a very fun and memorable night.

Luke's parents had even sent down the remaining wedding bubbles so that those at our reception in Nicaragua could do a "bubble send-off" as well. :)

We were even nicer to each other with the cake this time!

We were so thankful for the opportunity to share our special day with our family down here in Nicaragua. We praise God for the community we have here.

1 comment:

lisanicole said...

Ellen & Luke! it looks like you had a beautiful reception in nica! and ekr, you were beautiful in your gorgeous dress ! love you.