Ok, so that includes the airport layovers but still, its crazy to think that Luke and I were in: Florida (twice), Texas, Kansas, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and Georgia in the 7 weeks we were in the states this summer! We also were in 6 different churches 6 weeks in a row!

In the month of July when we were in Indiana I felt like we fit 2 months of activities into 1!
A lot happened in July:

Celebrating my birthday

...and much more.
It definitely was a month full of fun and activity and some relaxing too. :) Its fun to be on vacation and with family...but now that we are back in Nicaragua we're both ready to get settled into a school routine and life here. I'm super excited to be living with a missionary family this fall and to be teaching Pre-K at NCA!
School starts on August 11th! All this week we have teacher orientation days to prepare for the new school year. I hope to be posting some pics of my kiddos once school gets in swing.
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